
Staff Assembly Position Descriptions

Staff Assembly Position Descriptions

All Board Members

Essential Job functions

  1. Be a voting member of the Executive Board.
  2. Assist other Staff Assembly Executive Board members, and/or their respective committees, as needed.
  3. Attend all Staff Assembly Executive Board meetings and other functions.
  4. Along with other members of the Executive Board, generally supervise the affairs of Staff Assembly.
  5. Along with other members of the Executive Board, take action on all matters presented to the Executive Board.
  6. Along with other members of the Executive Board, create and participate on ad-hoc committees as required to achieve objectives.
  7. Along with other members of the Executive Board, consider and approve recommendations concerning the Staff Assembly annual budget.


(10-12 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Preside at all regular and special meetings of the Staff Assembly and the Executive Board.
  2. Serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of all Committees
  3. Ensure the fiduciary responsibility of Staff Assembly in accordance with the separation of duties guidelines and trainings set forth by the University, the Staff Assembly Budget Manual and Board Manual, etc.
  4. Serve as the Systems Access Administrator for all UCR Administrative systems.
  5. When necessary, co-sign with the Treasurer all orders for disbursement of funds as directed by the Staff Assembly or Executive Board, or shall designate an appropriate representative to serve instead.
  6. Nominate, in consultation with the Executive Board, representatives to serve on all University committees when Staff Assembly representation is requested.
  7. When the Staff Assembly President is asked directly to serve on a committee or task force (i.e. Chancellor’s Cabinet), the President will serve in said capacity or if possible, delegate to other SA leadership.
  8. During Board Meetings, vote only in the case of a tie vote.
  9. When Staff Assembly has paid administrative staff support, the President shall serve as the supervisor for that position.
  10. Serve as the Senior Representative to the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA).
  11. Call meetings as defined in Article VIII of the Staff Assembly By-Laws.
  12. Designate a meeting as "closed" (exclude represented Staff Assembly officers and represented staff members), as required.
  13. Meet regularly with the Chancellor and other key campus administrators to discuss issues of importance to staff.

Vice President/President Elect

(6-8 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in the absence of the President in accordance with these bylaws and serve as President-Elect;
  2. In conjunction with the President, oversee the internal workings of Staff Assembly
  3. Attend all meetings with major campus officials and other supporters of Staff Assembly
  4. Serve as the main contact for all major corporate sponsors throughout the year and at major Staff Assembly events
  5. Attend committee meetings as needed
  6. Chair the Elections Committee
  7. Distribute service awards to staff at all general body meetings
  8. Coordinate the annual officer transition retreat, ideally before the end of the Academic Year.
  9. When Staff Assembly has paid administrative staff support, the Vice-President shall have workload supervision of that position.
  10. Coordinate the assistance programs of Staff Assembly.
  11. Meet regularly with the Chancellor and other key campus administrators to discuss issues of importance to staff.
  12. Serve as the Junior Representative to the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA);
  13. Be a voting member of the Executive Board and a non-voting ex-officio member of all Committees.

Immediate Past President

(1-2 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Serve on the Executive Board in an ex-officio, non-voting advisory capacity.
  2.  Facilitate meetings of the Past Presidents Council as deemed necessary to systematically review procedures and bylaws of Staff Assembly and make recommendations to the current board for possible revisions.

Director of Events

(2-4 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Functions:

  1. Serve as Chair of the Staff Assembly Social Committee.
  2. Serve as point person for all events and social functions which may include:
    1. General meetings
    2. Holiday party
    3. Year-end event
    4. Outstanding Staff Awards
    5. Ice cream social
    6. Staff Assembly off campus outings (e.g. trips to baseball games, museums, theatre, etc.)
    7.  Happy hours
    8. Volunteer reception (In conjunction with Director of Involvement)
  3. Invite sponsors and departments to the general meetings (With VP and Dir. Of Fundraising)
  4. Assist the Director of Fundraising with the implementation of the large scale fundraising events.
  5. Attend and successfully complete the food handling training. Director or Social Chair will need to be present for the entirety of any events where food is served.
  6. Make room reservations using campus systems.
  7. Obtain food permits as required.
  8. Fill out all Chancellor’s request forms throughout the year
  9. Revise committee procedures with assistance of committees annually

Director of Marketing and Communications

(1-3 hours per week, occasionally more)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Managing the Staff Assembly web site and keeping all information up-to-date, including:
    1. Updating photos and contact information of the new Staff Assembly Executive Board after elections
    2. Updating photo and video galleries from Staff Assembly programs and events
    3. Managing the Calendar of Events via Localist (the campus' Content Management System, which does not require any HTML programming)
  2. Edit and distribute the monthly Staff Assembly newsletter, curating content from other Executive Board members and other campus partners
  3. Sending other messages to the listserv and/or subscriber list via Mailchimp
  4. Maintains Staff Assembly listserv / subscriber list in Mailchimp and approves message distributions, as needed.
  5. Creating online RSVP forms that will allow the UCR Staff to respond to events hosted by Staff Assembly (Holiday Party, Year End Party, Peer Recognition, R'Day Photo, etc.)
  6. Collaborate with the editors of Inside UCR and other on-campus newsletters to cross-promote events that need campus-wide advertisement
  7. Post Staff Assembly updates onto R’Space and social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter)
  8. Attend Executive Board meetings, attend events, and participate in Staff Assembly events.
  9. In collaboration with the Director of Administration, ensures that all board members actively use the Staff Assembly Google Shared Drive to store Staff Assembly documents electronically.
  10. Revise committee procedures as necessary
  11. Represent the Marketing and Communications Committee on the board.
  12. Bring decisions of the Marketing and Communications Committee to the board for approval
  13. Take photos or arrange for a photographer at Staff Assembly Events
  14. Coordinate livestream of Staff Assembly General Meetings.

Director of Fundraising

(2-4 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Coordinate all Staff Assembly fundraising activities.
  2. Chair the Fundraising committee, which will aid in all fundraising efforts.
  3. Maintain sponsorship levels of Staff Assembly and work with the Treasurer, Vice-President and President to solicit and manage corporate sponsors.
  4. Facilitate recognition of corporate and individual donors, as appropriate.
  5. Plan and implement two large scale fundraising events each year (Casino night, Golf tournament etc.)
  6. Coordinate the annual Community Partner Fair
  7. Coordinate the memorial brick collection program and brick installation.

Director of Outreach

(1-3 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Increase the visibility of Staff Assembly, especially to those members without access to computer and/or non-traditional work schedules.
  2. Chair the Outreach committee
  3. Plan and coordinate Staff Assembly Outreach Events with staff who do not have computer access and/or have non-traditional work schedules.
    1. These Outreach Events should be held as early in the Academic Year as possible, with most, if not all, completed by the end of Fall quarter. This is because Staff Assembly activities need to be promoted before deadlines occur.
  4. Maintain communication with supervisors of staff without computer access and/or with non-traditional work schedules regarding Staff Assembly activities and programs.
  5. Responsible for representing Staff Assembly at tabling events and /or coordinating coverage for tabling events. (Benefits Fair, Homecoming, etc.)
  6. Responsible for coordinating welcome letters/outreach activities for new UCR employees.

Director of Involvement & Recognition

(2-4 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Beginning in July, recruit UCR staff members, via Scotmail announcements and sign-up sheets at appropriately timed campus-wide events, to serve on the following Staff Assembly Committees:
    1. Elections Committee
    2. Scholarships Committee
    3. Recognition Committee
    4. Social Committee
    5. Outreach Committee
    6. Fundraising Committee
    7. Web Café Committee
    8. Marketing Committee
    9. General Volunteer Committee
  2. Finalize membership on all committees by the beginning of Fall Quarter.
  3. Chair the Recognition Committee
  4. Create and maintain an accurate list of all members of each Committee.
  5. Arrange for human resources training of board members
  6. Maintain a general volunteer list to be used as assistance for all events
  7. Facilitate all recognition and affirmation of volunteers which can include:
    1. Staff Assembly Board/Volunteer Service and Thank You Letters
    2. T-shirts and Polos for the board and volunteers
    3. Volunteer of the year selection
    4. Volunteers reception (In conjunction with the Social Chair)
    5. Any other recognition efforts as appropriate

Director of Professional Development

(1-3 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Chair the Scholarship and Web Café committees
  2. Represent the committees on the board
  3. Bring decisions of each committee to the board for approval
  4. Revise committee procedures with assistance of committees annually
  5. Facilitate communications from the Assistance and Scholarship committees to applicants about the status of their application.
  6. Plans small professional development programs throughout the year

Director of Finance

(3-5 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Maintain all necessary records pertaining to receipt and disbursement of funds which accrue for use by the Staff Assembly.
  2. Ensure the fiduciary responsibility of Staff Assembly in accordance with the separation of duties guidelines and trainings set forth by the University, the Staff Assembly Budget Manual and Board Manual, etc.
  3. Serve as a member, but not the Chairperson, of the Finance Committee should one be established.
  4. Report the status of the accounts at each General Meeting of the Executive Board and the Staff Assembly; provide the status of the accounts in writing to each Board member at the Executive Board meetings.
  5. Provide the Executive Board with a proposed budget for the following year based on anticipated expenditures.
  6. Coordinate the funding needs for the various committees.
  7. Collect and maintain records of all donations to Staff Assembly.
  8. Facilitate the donations in, and disbursements out of scholarship and assistance requests.

Director of Administration

(1-3 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

Essential Job Functions:

  1. Correspond and keep such records as may be required
  2. Announce, record, transcribe, and distribute proceedings of Executive Board, special, and general meetings
  3. Maintain official records and reports
  4. Procure supplies, as needed, for the Staff Assembly Board, including, but not limited to uniforms, name tags, manuals
  5. Coordinate the following programs in collaboration with Human Resources and other departments, as described in the Staff Assembly Board Manual
    1. Staff Welcome Letters
    2. Staff Retirement Thank You Notes
    3. Others that may be created, as described in the Staff Assembly Board Manual
  6. Create and set all agendas for Staff Assembly board meetings
  7. Serves as parliamentarian of Staff Assembly
  8. Updates folders and files on
  9. In collaboration with the Director of Marketing and Communications, ensures that all board members actively use to store Staff Assembly documents
  10. Manage the Service Award RSVP and Distribution process in conjunction with HR