

Upcoming Events


Annual and Recurring Events

Community Partner Fair

This event is a great avenue for supporting the development and growth of business enterprise through sharing information about your organization or business with our campus. Participation in the fair provides community partners with an opportunity to connect with individuals in more than 200 UCR departments who purchase more than 200 million dollars annually in products and services. Additionally, the staff, faculty, and students who attend CPF are encouraged to patronize the representing businesses.

Holiday Party

Held in December, spend time with your UCR family at our Annual Staff Assembly Holiday Party, "Flannels & Frost."

Guest Speakers

Staff Assembly occasionally hosts events with guest speakers. Past speakers include Matt Sakaguchi from Google


Staff Assembly holds special outreach events designed to allow UCR staff members who work non-traditional schedules (i.e. not 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays) to learn about Staff Assembly and its programs. Events include food, raffle, recognition, and information about upcoming programming.

Professional Development Conference

The UCR Staff Conference is a two-day event created by and for UC Riverside staff, co-hosted by UCR Staff AssemblyLeaders of Excellence and Distinction (LEAD) and Human Resources Employee and Organizational Development.

Quarterly General Meetings

Service Awards are presented in five-year increments at the quarterly meeting, through a partnership between Staff Assembly and the Office of the Chancellor.

Spring Celebration

Staff Engagement Survey and Forum

Since 2012, Systemwide Employee Relations in the Office of Systemwide Human Resources has jointly sponsored with the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies its own employee workforce engagement pulse-survey of policy covered staff. These surveys provide valuable insight into employee perceptions about working at each location and for the University of California.

UCRSA Co-Sponsored Events

In addition to the events we host, UCR Staff Assembly is proud to support and co-sponsor a variety of events throughout the year, including the Chancellor's Staff and Faculty Welcome Picnic, Highlander Day of Service, and more.


Staff Assembly Executive Board elections take place every March and the winners are announced in May. All executive board positions are one-year-appointments, with the exception of the vice president/president-elect, who will become president of the organization the current year and Immediate Past President the following year. Incumbents must run again if they wish to serve an additional term. Candidates may run as Co-Directors for all Director Positions and should submit one application.

Virtual Bingo

Join Staff Assembly’s Director of Finance Penni Ebina and other members of the Staff Assembly Executive Board for monthly Virtual Bingo! The event will also include participants from UC Berkeley / UCDC / UCPath / UCLA / UCRRA / UCOP / UCSB / UCSF. There will be two virtual sessions: A matinee session from 12 - 1 p.m. and the evening session from 6 - 7:30 p.m. We also need staff volunteers to serve as co-hosts with Penni.