Revision of Staff Assembly Bylaws - 2020
In 2019, the Staff Assembly Past Presidents Committee, with the approval of the Executive Board, began work on updating and revising our bylaws. The committee has now completed their work and on Tuesday, May 26 at 4 p.m., Staff Assembly will bring these bylaws to a vote at a special online meeting that is open to all staff members at UCR.
As detailed in Article IX of the existing bylaws, the new bylaws may be adopted "by a 2/3 vote of the Staff Assembly members present at any general, special meeting, or by a majority of those voting my mail or electronically, provided details of the proposed amendments or actions have been published to the membership not less than 30 days prior to the meeting at which the vote was taken."
Read the proposed revised bylaws
What are the Changes?
The bylaws had last been updated in December 2011.
The majority of changes are small and include corrections of typos, removal of defunct committees and roles, and other changes that reflect the reality of Staff Assembly in 2020. The most significant changes are detailed below:
Article II Membership
Clarifies the definition of Staff Assembly membership in line with UCOP Human Resources directives.
Article III - Executive Officers and Duties, Section 3
Allows any staff member who has completed their probationary employment period of six months to serve on the Executive Board. This had previously been one year.
Article III - Executive Officers and Duties, Section 17, Immediate Past President
Removes the "ex-officio" tag from the past president, allowing the individual to vote on matters facing the Executive Board.
Article IV - Executive Board
Creates formal policies pertaining to having co-directors serving on the Executive Board, which had been done on an experimental basis in recent years.
Article XVI - Banking
This article, which was adopted on a temporary basis in 2019, brings Staff Assembly into line with University of California financial guidelines and federal banking regulations.
Article XI - Amendments
Formalizes the way in which the president and Executive Board may adopt temporary amendments to the bylaws.
Article XV - Council of UC Staff Assemblies
Creates flexibility for the president and Executive Board to appoint alternate delegates on a temporary or permanent basis to the Council of UC Staff Assemblies.
Who is on the Past Presidents Committee?
The membership of the Past Presidents Committee includes:
Ross French, Past President, 2019-20 (Chair)
Julie Salgado, Past President 2018-19
Andy Plumley, Past President 2015-16
Janna LeBlanc, Past President 2016-17
Veronica Ruiz, Past President 2010-11
Aaron Bushong, Past President 2002-03
Maggie Souder, Past President 2001-02
Several past presidents who no longer work at UCR also had input. These include Kathy Barton (2006-07), Tim Willette (2013-14), and Robert Wolfer (2014-15 & 2017-18).
The 2018-19 and 2019-20 Staff Assembly Executive Boards also had input on the content.