Staff Assembly Bylaws
University of California, Riverside Staff Assembly Bylaws
Revised: December 16, 2024
Previously revised: May 23, 2020
- Article I Mission Statement
- Article II Membership
- Article III Executive Officers & Duties
- Article IV Executive Board
- Article V Committees
- Article VI Vacancies
- Article VII Meetings
- Article VIII Quorum
- Article IX Resolutions and Petitions
- Article X Recall Referendums
- Article XI Amendments
- Article XII Release Time
- Article XIII Non-discrimination Clause
- Article XIV Parliamentary Authority
- Article XV Council of UC Staff Assemblies
- Article XVI Banking
- Article XVII Effective Date
The purpose of this Staff Assembly shall be to enhance the functioning of the University of California, Riverside, by celebrating the diversity of, and promoting the interests and welfare of all staff career employees as allowed by law and, in cooperation or coordination with the Office of the Chancellor, to provide support of the mission of the University of California, Riverside. This purpose shall be accomplished by:
- Providing a forum whereby employees at all job levels may discuss University-related issues of mutual concern;
- Serving in an advisory capacity on policies, procedures, activities and other issues relating to staff interests not covered by collective bargaining agreements;
- Fostering respect and cooperation among all members of the UCR community and promoting communication among staff, administration, faculty, and students.
The Staff Assembly shall not function as a collective-bargaining unit. The Staff Assembly shall not represent employees in matters covered by a collective-bargaining agreement in grievances or administrative reviews, present demands at meet-and-confer sessions, or endorse legislation not supported by the University.
Membership in the Staff Assembly shall be automatic and includes all non-represented career staff employees and all represented career staff employees who choose to participate.
Section 1. The officers of the Staff Assembly, in order of succession, shall be:
- President
- Vice-President (President-Elect)
- Immediate Past President
- Director of Finance
- Director of Events
- Director of Involvement and Recognition
- Director of Marketing & Communications
- Director of Fundraising
- Director of Outreach
- Director of Professional Development
- Director of Administration
Section 2. The officers of the Staff Assembly shall, when possible, reflect the broadest possible range of career employee classifications and departmental affiliations.
Section 3. Any career staff employee who has completed their probationary employment period (six months) at UCR, and who has successfully completed a review by Human Resources (outlined herein below) is eligible to serve as a board member/officer of the Staff Assembly.
The positions of President, Vice-President (President-Elect) and Immediate Past President may only be held by a non-represented employee. All other Board positions may be held by any employee.
Individuals nominated for a position on the board will be reviewed by UCR Human Resources to determine their eligibility. Individuals may be deemed ineligible to serve for the following reasons:
- Currently going through formal disciplinary action.
- Have received overall performance review marks of anything below “Successfully Meets Performance Expectation” (or whatever is the nominal midpoint in the evaluation) in the preceding two years.
Section 4. The officers of the Staff Assembly shall be elected by the members of the Staff Assembly.
Section 5. The term of office for all officers shall be one year, beginning July 1. There is no limit to the number of times that a career staff member can run for any position, whether it’s consecutive or not, except that as President, one cannot run for Vice-President/President-Elect, due to multiple overlapping terms.
Section 6. Code of Conduct
Preface: The members of the Executive Board of the UCR Staff Assembly shall, in all matters pertaining to their service on this board, conduct themselves to the highest ethical standards in a manner that is consistent with the mission of the organization.
- We strive to meet the highest standards of truthfulness in promoting the welfare of all UCR staff career employees and in supporting the mission of the UCR campus.
- We respect and celebrate our diversity and the diversity of the entire campus community. The Board adheres to all federal, state, and UC policies related to non-harassment and non-discrimination.
- We make the well-being of UCR staff and the UCR campus the fundamental value of all decision-making and actions of the Executive Board
- We adhere to all applicable policies and practices of the University of California and the Riverside campus in the conduct of Staff Assembly activities and initiatives, including responsible fiscal management.
- We participate as fully as possible in the activities and initiatives of the UCR Staff Assembly and its Executive Board, recognizing that our service is on a volunteer basis.
- We foster an atmosphere of inclusion and participation by all UCR staff members in the activities of the Staff Assembly and in campus forums that advance communication between staff, faculty, campus leaders and students.
- We treat each other with respect and courtesy, and support an atmosphere of open communication between board members and among all career staff of the University of California, Riverside.
Conflict Resolution
Should a conflict arise between members of the Executive Board, that impacts the purpose and functioning of the Board, the following informal steps shall be carried out with a neutral, independent, and skilled third person in an effort to resolve the conflict:
- The parties involved shall confer with the President and President-Elect to negotiate solutions. If the conflict is not resolved, the parties move to Step 2. If the conflict involves the President and/or President-Elect, the process will begin at Step 2.
- The parties involved shall confer with the Ombudsperson to negotiate solutions. If the conflict is not resolved, the parties move to Step 3.
- The parties involved shall contact the Office of Conflict Resolution for guidance on further conflict resolution resources.
The parties shall be expected to maintain confidentiality throughout the informal conflict resolution process.
Removal from the Executive Board
Members of the Executive Board accept the responsibility of performing the duties assigned to them as well as appropriate conduct and regular attendance at meetings. Should either misconduct or neglect of duty become evident, the member may be deposed from office, for cause, by the Executive Board (at an Executive Board meeting) upon a motion for same and a resulting two-thirds vote in support of the motion.
Section 7. The duties of the President shall be to:
- Preside at all regular and special meetings of the Staff Assembly and the Executive Board.
- Serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of all Staff Assembly Committees.
- Ensure the fiduciary responsibility of Staff Assembly in accordance with the separation of duties guidelines and trainings set forth by the University, the Staff Assembly Budget Manual and Board Manual, etc.
- Serve as the Systems Access Administrator for all UCR Administrative systems.
- Co-sign with the Treasurer, when necessary, all orders for disbursement of funds as directed by the Staff Assembly or Executive Board, or designate an appropriate representative to do so, as needed.
- Nominate, in consultation with the Executive Board, representatives to serve on all University committees when Staff Assembly presence is requested.
- When the Staff Assembly President is asked directly to serve on a committee or task force (i.e. Chancellor’s Cabinet), the President will serve in said capacity or if possible, delegate to other Staff Assembly leadership.
- Vote only in the case of a tie vote during Board meetings.
- When Staff Assembly has paid administrative staff support, the President shall approve the hiring for that position.
- Serve as the Senior Delegate to the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA), or defer to an alternate delegate elected by the board.
- Call meetings as defined in Article VIII of the Staff Assembly Bylaws.
- Designate a meeting as "closed" (exclude represented Staff Assembly officers and represented staff members), as required.
- Meet regularly with the Chancellor and other key campus administrators to discuss issues of importance to staff.
Section 8. The duties of the Vice President/President-Elect shall be to:
- Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in the absence of the President in accordance with these bylaws and serve as President-Elect.
- Oversee the internal workings of Staff Assembly, in conjunction with the President.
- Attend all meetings with major campus officials and other supporters of Staff Assembly.
- Attend committee meetings as needed.
- Chair the Elections Committee.
- Distribute service awards to staff at all general meetings
- Coordinate the annual officer transition retreat, ideally before the end of the Academic Year.
- When Staff Assembly has paid administrative staff support, the Vice-President shall be the workload supervisor of that position.
- Coordinate the Staff Assistance programs per the Bylaws (With the Director of Finance).
- Meet regularly with the Chancellor and other key campus administrators to discuss issues of importance to staff.
- Serve as the Junior Delegate to the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) or defer to an alternate delegate elected by the board.
- Bring decisions of the elections committee to the board for approval.
Section 9. The duties of the Director of Finance shall be to:
- Maintain all necessary records pertaining to receipt and disbursement of funds, which accrue for use by the Staff Assembly.
- Ensure the fiduciary responsibility of Staff Assembly in accordance with the separation of duties guidelines and trainings set forth by the University, the Staff Assembly Budget Manual and Board Manual, etc.
- Serve as a member, but not the Chairperson, of the Finance Committee should one be established.
- Report the status of the accounts at Executive Board meetings.
- Provide the status of the accounts in writing as requested.
- Work with the President and Vice President/President-Elect to develop a proposed budget for the following year based on anticipated expenditures.
- Coordinate the funding needs for the various committees.
- Collect and maintain records of all donations to Staff Assembly.
- Facilitate the donations in, and disbursements out of scholarship and assistance requests.
Section 10. The duties of the Director of Events shall be to:
- Serve as Chair of the Staff Assembly Social Committee.
- Serve as point person for all events and social functions.
- Invite sponsors and departments to the general meetings (With Vice President/President-Elect and Director of Fundraising).
- Assist the Director of Fundraising with the implementation of the large-scale fundraising events.
- Obtain food permits as required.
- Attend and successfully complete the food handling training as necessary and ensure that all volunteers have completed necessary training.
- Make room reservations using campus systems.
- Fill out all Chancellor’s request forms throughout the year.
- Revise committee procedures as necessary.
- Represent the Events committee on the board.
Section 11. The duties of the Director of Involvement and Recognition shall be to:
- Recruit UCR staff members, through existing and applicable marketing means and at appropriately timed campus-wide events, to serve on all Staff Assembly Committees.
- Finalize membership on all committees by the beginning of Fall Quarter, and facilitate any updates to committee membership throughout the year.
- Chair the Staff Recognition Committee, and through that committee, facilitate the Get Recognized Program, Outstanding Staff Awards and Volunteer Reception.
- Create and maintain an accurate list of all members of each Committee.
- Arrange for human resources training of board members and volunteers as necessary.
- Maintain a general volunteer list to be used as assistance for all events.
- Work with Director of Communications to maintain Staff Assembly listserves.
- Facilitate all recognition and affirmation of volunteers.
- Revise committee procedures as necessary.
- Represent the recognition committee on the board.
- Bring decisions of the recognition committee to the board for approval.
Section 12. The duties of the Director of Marketing & Communications shall be to:
- Manage the Staff Assembly web site and keep all information up-to-date.
- Manage Staff Assembly entries on UCR Campus Events Calendar.
- Maintains Staff Assembly listserves and approves message distributions as needed.
- Create online forms - including RSVP’s allowing staff to respond/register for upcoming UCRSA-sponsored events.
- Communicate with the Office of University Communications to increase publicity of events and recognition of staff.
- Add content to R’Space Portal
- Attend Executive Board meetings, attend events and participate in Staff Assembly events.
- Ensure all board members actively use or other document storage system to store Staff Assembly documents electronically.
- Chair the Communications Committee.
- Revise committee procedures as necessary.
- Represent the Communications Committee on the board.
- Bring decisions of the Communications Committee to the board for approval.
- Take photos or arrange for a photographer at Staff Assembly Events
- Coordinate livestream of Staff Assembly General Meetings.
Section 13. The duties of the Director of Fundraising shall be to:
- Coordinate all Staff Assembly fundraising activities.
- Chair the Fundraising committee, which will aid in all fundraising efforts.
- Maintain sponsorship levels of Staff Assembly and work with the The Director of Finance, Vice-President and President to solicit and manage corporate sponsors.
- Facilitate recognition of corporate and individual donors, as appropriate.
- Coordinate the annual Community Partner Fair.
- Plan and implement up to two additional fundraising events each year.
- Serve as the main contact for all major corporate sponsors throughout the year and at major Staff Assembly events.
- Oversee Society '54 program and regularly communicate with donors.
- Revise committee procedures as necessary.
- Represent the fundraising committee on the board.
- Bring decisions of the fundraising committee to the board for approval.
Section 14. The duties of the Director of Outreach shall be to:
- Increase the visibility of Staff Assembly, especially to those members without access to computer and/or non-traditional work schedules.
- Chair the Outreach Committee.
- Plan and coordinate Staff Assembly Outreach Events with staff who do not have computer access and/or have non-traditional work schedules.
- Present on behalf of Staff Assembly at monthly New Staff Orientation meetings.
- Maintain communication with supervisors of staff without computer access and/or with non-traditional work schedules regarding Staff Assembly activities and programs.
- Represent Staff Assembly at tabling events and/or coordinate coverage for tabling events. (i.e. Community Partner Fair, Homecoming, etc.).
- Coordinate welcome letters and other outreach activities for new UCR employees.
- Revise committee procedures as necessary.
- Represent the Outreach Committee on the board.
- Bring decisions of the Outreach Committee to the board for approval.
Section 15. The duties of the Director of Professional Development shall be to:
- Chair the Scholarship Committee.
- Represent the committee on the board.
- Bring decisions of the committee to the board for approval.
- Revise committee procedures with assistance of committees annually.
- Facilitate communications from Scholarship Committee to applicants about the status of their application.
- Plan/coordinate small professional development programs quarterly.
- Revise committee procedures as necessary.
Section 16. The duties of the Director of Administration shall be to:
- Correspond and keep such records as may be required.
- Announce, record, transcribe, and distribute proceedings of Executive Board, special, and general meetings.
- Maintain official records and reports, in print copy and in online file storage as relevant and appropriate.
- Work with the Director of Finance to procure supplies, as needed, for the Staff Assembly Board, including, but not limited to uniforms, nametags, manuals.
- Coordinate the service award program with Human Resources and other departments, as described in the Staff Assembly Board Manual.
- Create and set all agendas for Staff Assembly board meetings.
- Serve as parliamentarian of Staff Assembly.
- Work with Director of Marketing & Communications to update folders and files on the online file storage system used by Staff Assembly.
- Manage the Service Award RSVP and Distribution process in conjunction with Human Resources.
Section 17. The duties of the Immediate Past President shall be to:
- Serve on the Executive Board.
- Serve as secondary parliamentarian of Staff Assembly.
- Facilitate meetings of the Past Presidents Council as deemed necessary to systematically review procedures and bylaws of Staff Assembly and make recommendations to the current board for possible revisions.
- Chair the Bylaws committee as necessary.
- Coordinate the Staff Memorial Garden event on an annual basis.
The powers of the Staff Assembly shall be vested in, and exercised by, the Executive Board by a majority of a quorum unless otherwise expressly provided in these bylaws. As the elected body of the organization, the Executive Board is authorized to make necessary changes to Staff Assembly policies and procedures that are deemed in the best interests of the organization.
The general membership shall have the power to override any decisions of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President (President Elect), Director of Finance, Director of Events, Director of Involvement and Recognition, Director of Marketing & Communications, Director of Fundraising, Director of Outreach, Director of Professional Development, Director of Administration, Immediate Past President.
The board positions of Director of Events, Director of Involvement and Recognition, Director of Marketing & Communications, Director of Fundraising, Director of Outreach, and Director of Professional Development may be held as a “co-directors” by no more than two individuals, either through election or appointment. Each individual co-director will have a separate vote on matters facing the board.
The Executive Board shall have the following duties:
- General supervision of the affairs of the Staff Assembly;
- Follow-through on all matters presented to the Executive Board not covered by a collective bargaining agreement;
- Creation of ad-hoc committees as required to achieve the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement;
- Support of other Staff Assembly Executive Board members, and/or their respective committees, as needed;
- Setting, review and revision of committee procedures as necessary, and incorporation of suggestions as appropriate;
- Attendance at all Staff Assembly Executive Board meetings and other functions;
- Approval (or non-approval) of recommendations concerning the Staff Assembly annual budget.
Staff Assembly Standing Committees are:
- Elections
- Scholarships
- Recognition
- Events Social
- Outreach
- Fundraising
- Communications
- Past President Council
Past President Council shall consist of the Past Presidents of the Staff Assembly and the Staff Assembly Immediate Past President serving as Chair. - Bylaws
The Past Presidents Council and the current Staff Assembly Executive Board, with the Staff Assembly Immediate Past President serving as Chair.
The appropriate Executive Board member will chair the committee(s).
The Executive Board has final approval of the programs and functions of the committees and is authorized to make necessary changes that are deemed to be in the best interests of the organization.
The Executive Board will review committee charges regularly. New committees may be created and existing committees may be eliminated by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.
The Director of Involvement and Recognition shall be responsible for actively recruiting members for all committees and establishing and maintaining an application process. There is no maximum size for any individual committee.
The Chair may appoint a Vice Chair, subject to the confirmation of the Board.
President: In the event a vacancy occurs in the Office of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President for that unexpired term, as Interim President. The Interim President is still President-Elect and will assume the role of President for the full year that s/he was elected to serve as President. This means the President-Elect will serve that entire three-year term rotation, even if s/he assumes the role of President early due to another vacancy. A new Vice-President will not be elected until the regular election cycle commences. At the Board’s discretion, an ad-hoc, non-voting position on the board can be established for someone to assist with the dual functioning Vice-President/Interim President.
If a vacancy occurs in the Office of the President when the Vice President/President-Elect cannot assume the role of President, the sitting Past-President shall serve in the Office until a new President is elected.
If a vacancy occurs in the Office of Vice-President, a new election shall be conducted to elect a new Vice-President, since that position will later become President. The Board, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, can forgo an election for whatever reason and instead confirm a Presidential appointment. If the current sitting President and Vice-President both simultaneously vacate their positions, then the Immediate Past President, as Interim President, shall conduct elections or make an appointment for a new Vice-President as deemed appropriate by the Board.
Other Executive Officers: Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms of the other elected officers and the committee chairs by presidential appointment followed by a two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% ratification at the next meeting of the Executive Board.
As a general policy, Staff Assembly meetings will be held at times to facilitate maximum employee attendance. All meetings of the Staff Assembly shall be open, unless designated otherwise by the President. Only Staff Assembly members may vote at Staff Assembly meetings; only Executive Board members may vote at Executive Board meetings.
General: General meetings of the Staff Assembly shall be held as often as required, but not less than three (3) times each year; once in the fall, once in the winter, and once in the spring. The time and place of such meetings shall be designated by the Executive Board with an attempt to regularize dates of meeting within the quarters. At the General Meetings, the service award milestone recognition program shall take place, as described within the Staff Assembly manual.
Special: Special meetings of the entire membership may be called by a two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% majority of the Executive Board membership. At any time, members exclusive of Executive Board members may call a meeting with not less than twenty-five (25) signatures of the membership. The Director of Communications shall give notice of meetings at least five (5) working days prior to said meetings.
Executive: The Executive Board shall meet as often as necessary, with a goal of meeting twice a month. Emergency meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President within 48 hours upon written petition of 25 members, two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% of the Executive Board, or a majority vote at a meeting of the Executive Board. Without said petition, Emergency Meetings of the Executive Board could be attempted, with no guarantee of quorum being made.
Committee: Committees will meet as required at the call of the Chair of each committee.
General and Special meetings of the Staff Assembly: Two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% of the Executive Board membership plus eleven (11) additional Staff Assembly members shall constitute a quorum.
Quorum for the purposes of validating an election shall be a minimum of 25 full-time career staff, with appropriate duration of time for the polling to be open, and no less than three business days.
Executive Board: Two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% of the Executive Board membership shall constitute a quorum.
If a decision needs to be made before the next time all of the Board meets in person, the process following online process will be followed:
- Online Board votes should be used sparingly and only if the issue to be decided is time-sensitive, or a quorum was not reached at the previous Board meeting. The results of such a vote must be recorded into the official minutes of Staff Assembly, as stand-alone minutes or as part of the previous or next meeting’s minutes.
- Motion is emailed to the Board by the President, or Vice-President, citing this section of the Bylaws, the number of current voting members of the Board and what total number of votes shall constitute quorum and passing of the motion
- For example: If there are currently nine positions on the Board filled, quorum is six people (two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6%). For this motion to be valid and approved, a simple majority of those voting would need to say yes, when quorum exists.
- A deadline for the vote to take place should be established in this email, and should be, at minimum, five hours, and ideally one full business day.
- When the voting has been completed, the President, Vice President/President-Elect, or Secretary shall email the Board with the results, including the names of who voted yes, no and abstentions. This should be reviewed at the next available meeting and reflected in the minutes.
- Online Board votes shall NOT be conducted in the case of removal from office or any sensitive issues that should be conducted only in person.
- Online Board votes MAY take place for the confirmation of new appointments to the Board, or to any Staff Assembly committee. Online Board votes may also take place if quorum has not been reached at the previous Board meeting.
- All resolutions and petitions issued in the name of the Staff Assembly shall be prepared and/or reviewed by the appropriate standing committee, reviewed by the Executive Board, and presented to the Staff Assembly at a general meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose of considering the issue. Resolutions and petitions will be approved by a majority vote of the Staff Assembly present at any meeting.
- Upon petition of twenty-five (25) members of the Staff Assembly, the Executive Board shall consider any specific legislation or decision. Such petitions must be submitted not later than twenty-one (21) days after the minutes of the general meeting. The President, with approval of a majority vote of the members present at an Executive Board meeting, may request reconsideration by the Staff Assembly of any specific piece of legislation. Such reconsideration shall be conducted at an annual, general, or special meeting of the Assembly.
A recall election may be requested by petition of twenty-five (25) members and shall be held within thirty (30) days of presentation to the Executive Board.
- These bylaws and/or the Election Code may be amended or repealed, or new bylaws and/or a new Election Code may be adopted, by a two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% vote of the Staff Assembly members present at any general, special meeting, or by a majority of those voting by mail or electronically, provided details of the proposed amendments or actions have been published to the membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken.
- Any member may submit a proposed amendment.
- The Staff Assembly Executive Board has the authority to make clarifications to these Bylaws as may be, from time to time and with just cause, necessary and required.
- The president may, through executive order and approval by two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% of the Executive Board, implement temporary amendments to these bylaws through the remainder of the current term or until voted on by Staff Assembly members.
An employee may be granted release time during regularly scheduled hours of work to attend Staff Assembly meetings or functions, as designated by the Chancellor.
Staff Assembly adheres to all federal, state, and UC policies related to non-harassment and non-discrimination.
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Staff Assembly in all cases to which they are applicable, insofar as they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
The President and Vice President/President-Elect shall be the campus delegates to CUCSA. The President shall be the senior delegate. The Vice President/President-Elect shall be the junior delegate.
The President, with approval of a two-thirds (2/3) or 66.6% majority of the Executive Board, may appoint an alternate delegate to serve as the permanent junior or senior delegate for the full year, or as a temporary alternate delegate who can serve in the event a delegate cannot attend a CUCSA meeting.
For banking and tax purposes, the organization shall be known as “UC Riverside Staff Assembly – UC Riverside Support Groups” under the Vice Chancellor of University Advancement, using the Employer Identification Number assigned to that group.
Staff Assembly will abide by UCOP cash-handling procedures (BUS 49).
The bylaws and amendments will be effective immediately upon adoption.
A. The President and Vice President will be eligible to receive a one-time stipend at the conclusion of their 12-month term, to be paid in the June of their service year.
- The President who has served for the full 12 months shall receive a total of $2,000.
- The Vice President who has served for the full 12 months shall receive $1,000.
B. A President or Vice President who serves less than 12 months but completes the term of office in June shall be eligible for a pro-rated portion of the aforementioned amounts, based on the months served divided by 12.
- A President or Vice President who leaves their position prior to the completion of their term, but left office in good standing and is still an employee at UC Riverside, may be eligible for a pro-rated portion of the aforementioned amounts, based on the months served divided by 12. A simple majority vote of the Executive Board is necessary to approve this action.
- A President or Vice President who leaves office not in good standing or who leaves employment of UC Riverside, shall forfeit their stipend.
C. The Executive Board may vote, with a simple majority, to withhold the stipend of the president or vice president for failure to complete their term or dereliction of their responsibilities.