Election Schedule
- Friday, March 21 - Deadline to nominate someone for a board position
- Monday, March 31 - Deadline for a candidate to accept the nomination and submit your application
- Monday, April 14 to Friday, April 18 - Election is open via email link. Review the 2025-2026 Candidates before you cast your vote
- May 2025 - New board announced in Staff Assembly's May Newsletter and at Spring General Meeting in May 2025
All executive board positions are one-year-appointments, with the exception of the vice president/president-elect, who will become president of the organization the 2025-26 year and Immediate Past President the 2024-25 year. Incumbents must run again if they wish to serve an additional term. Candidates may run as Co-Directors for all Director Positions and should submit one application. The available positions are:
- Vice President/President Elect (Must be a non-represented employee).
- Director of Events
- Director of Communications
- Director of Fundraising
- Director of Outreach
- Director of Involvement and Recognition
- Director of Professional Development
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Questions about Elections?
Vice President/President-Elect
Paige Mejia
E-mail: paige.mejia@ucr.edu
Tel: (951) 827-5935
Candidate Eligibility
All candidates for positions on the executive board will be vetted by Human Resources to ensure their eligibility. This review will be conducted in the strictest confidence.
All candidates must meet the criteria set forth in Section 3 of the Staff Assembly guidelines.
Any career staff employee who has completed one year of employment at UCR, and who has successfully completed a review by Human Resources (outlined herein below) is eligible to serve as an officer of the Staff Assembly; however, the positions of President, Vice-President (President-Elect) and Immediate Past President may only be held by a non-represented employee.
The Human Resources review process is designed to ensure that all candidates must be employees in good standing with the University in order to run for Staff Assembly. Human Resources will review the list of nominees, and indicate if any of the candidates are ineligible to serve for the following reasons:
1) going through severe disciplinary action,
2) have received performance review marks of anything below "Successfully Meets Performance Expectations" in the two years prior to running, etc.
NOTE: If the employee has not been working at UCR for more than one year, she/he is still eligible to serve, provided that no disciplinary concerns or less than "Successfully Meets Performance Expectations" scores exist on any existing reviews.